Reason for pot belly

  Reason for pot belly especially in men

The body is very sensitive in nature. There are rules guiding the use of the body that when you fail to give the body or follow the rules of your body, there will be a total break down which will lead to the malfunctioning in the carrying out of responsibility by different organs of the body.

    The alcohol performs a vital task in the body which includes the stabilization of the enzymes responsible for the digestion of food. 

   Pot belly is a kind of sickness caused by the inability of the stomach enzymes to digest food in it's appropriate time there by leadiml to bloating, increasing in Tommy size in the snens that the stomach becomes weak because is is filled with air. 

   Have you wondered why we vomit all that we have ate after consuming large amount of alcohol, that's because the alcohol stops all digestive process in the Tommy which can lead to vomiting leaving air in the stomach, there by making us week. 

   You get the point now?

That is just it. 


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