these steps are as follows.
  1.    GETTING THE BOOK TO BE STUDIED:  in this case, getting the most appropriate book for yourself is very important because there are some categories of people, this include; people who tend to have passion for reading but can't open and spend up to an hour with a book. Instead, they find the reading so boring. This kind of people needs to either buy a book that contains lots of pictures in it. This people include those in primary school and little number in high Junior high school.
  2.  HAVE A PEN AND AN EXERCISE BOOK WHILE STUDYING:  in this step, I call this upgrade in reading level. This step is very useful cus while reading, you need to jot down things or new word you come across. While reading, you need to put down definitions, explanations and you need to solve something of you are dealing on the calculating aspect. While reading, you need to make use of Mneumonics, the use of symbols to remember what you have read. We can make example of the rainbow colours,  Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet. In Mneumonics, this can be simple written as ROYGBIV.  If you want to spend time reading, always find the habit of writing while reading and you will find reading interesting.
  3. MAKE USE OF PAST QUESTIONS :  This is very important for those studying for external examinations and for those who find it very difficult to finish a textbook. Do you know that you can finish up a textbook in less than 7hrs?  Am going to share out something with you. Get a textbook containing review questions at every end of each chapter. If you can read a text line by line, fine inasmuch as you can cover up the textbook. If you can't,  this is what you will do. Open your book, go straight to the review questions at the end of the chapter, and start answering them by going back to the full printed text. Make sure you read everything about the asked questions. After you must have answered the questions correctly using the text, copy out the questions on your note book and try it see if you can answer those questions without your textbook. If you can answer those questions correctly, congrats you can move forward to the next chapter. If there's something missing, go back to your text and try again, cus you are not yet in the exam Hall. If you happen to get a textbook without  review questions at the end of each chapter, get a past question and try what I have shared above. Thank me later. But pls note, revision is very important. You know what I mean...          Good luck in you study life.


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